Thursday, October 1, 2009

What happened to the meaning in music?

Is it just me, or is music these days getting less and less talented? All it seems you have to do these days is take three easy chords and write catchy lyrics (that don't even have to have meaning or make sense) and you have yourself a smash hit. Gone are the days, for me at least, when music would take you to a different world or spark your imagination. The days when people wrote about anything and everything and the guitar work was something that kids today, like me, 30 years later would marvel over. Now it seems to be all too much about the same topics. If it isnt a rap song that talks about money cars and drugs, it's a "rock" song (well, it really isn't rock to me) that's about going through a break up or about how much life sucks, even though alot of those artists grew up in middle class America.

Although it may not seem all that controversial, I'm sure there are many people that would strike back with a response defending their position on the matter. It just doesn't seem like it's about the music anymore, just about selling records and being "rockstars", a term that is thrown around very loosely in this day and age. Back in the 70's and 80's, bands like Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd and The Eagles all wrote songs that had very profound meanings, that ranged from gun control, ballads about war, love, and even sociological issues that question the fabric of society. Where are these themes now? Maybe I'm just overlooking the songs out there today, but until I hear some good retalliation to this, this is where I stand.


  1. I agree with you. I have no idea whats going on with the music nowadays. Every time i turn on the radio, i ask the same thing. Especially when a Souljah boy song comes on (i think i murdered his name). I personally think that his songs have no meaning whatsoever. No offense to those who like him.

  2. I completley agree. It just makes me mad that you don't even have to be able to play an instrument or sing well to get a record deal

  3. I agree with you. And actually a majority of the popular music you hear today is ripped off of artists and musicians from the 70's and 80's. It's almost as if musicians today are getting lazy and bored. But it's pretty hard to live up to the legendary stuff that started earlier. People should appreciate the old music. Good job.

  4. Very good job! I do believe that now a days all artist just want to compete and see who gets the most grammys for the most meaningless songs. I'm pretty much standing where you are too.

  5. I agree with you completely! Personally i listen to Hip-Hop, but look at Lil Wayne's lyrics, its just a bunch of made up words all put together to make a "song". Old school rap, old school music in general is way better to listen to, it has actual meanings, and it meant something to the person writing it, other then like Fatima said, who gets the most grammys.

  6. I totally agree with everything that you said. music is a huge part of me, and when you listen to literally every type of music, you notice which ones become repetitive and which ones don't. old rock like zeppelin, skynyrd and pink floyd all hold a place in my heart; just because i listen to the melodies of songs and the lyrics and lyrics mean a lot to me. it's amazing how they can create lyrics like that which people can relate to. great job :)
