Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wonder of the World

It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. As I gazed deep into the Grand Canyon in Arizona, many sweet emotions braced me as my breath was taken away in amazement. It was something like I'd never seen before. The sun was rising over the vast walls and turns of the canyon in a sunrise I could never forget.
My Dad had woken me up at about 4:30 in the morning to go see the canyon. The weather outside was usually around 90 degrees, but was more like 60 this early in the morning. As we drove, the desert and all its plant life zipped by me as we cruised through the flat landscape. The sun hadn't even began to peak over the horizon yet, so for the most part it was still pretty dark.
We made our arrival at the canyon around 6 AM, the sun finally starting to peak. As I climbed out of the car, much to my amazement, I suddenly realized it was now about 30 degrees outside, even with patches of snow on the ground due to the high altitude we were at. I slipped into my sweatshirt and started walking towards the observation point. As I looked down, a huge smile creeped across my face as I was struck with awe.
The walls of the canyon were many different colors, ranging from the typical desert sand color to green and pink. The pink, orange and red sunrise ushered in a sense of euphora as it helped paint the canyon walls with its brilliant, colorful, glow. At the bottom, I observed the Colorado River, which looked so small form my standpoint, wind for miles and miles through the vast canyon.
As I left that day, I took alot with me. I had witnessed one of the greatest natural creations on this planet. From that point forward, I stopped underestimating mother nature and started observing its beauty as it is. I am going to make an effort to hopefully one day, before i bite the dust, to see it in all it's glory once more.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a wonderful description and I can totally believe it. I've seen the Grand Canyon from an airplane and it was amazing at 35,000 feet so I can only imagine how awe inspiring it was at you level. That is so cool, I wish we had had the time to visit while we were out there.

  3. Wow, how lovely.

    I've noticed that many of the recall blogs I've read have been about various trips. This really shows how much travel and experiencing the world sticks with us. It's amazing how much is out there, beyond home. Travel, even if nearby, makes for some of our most enriching, memorable experiences.

    I've never been to the Grand Canyon, but after reading your blog, I really hope to visit it someday. Great descriptions. :)

  4. Wow, your essay has now made me want to visit the Grand Canyon. Great job with the description; I could see it. It sounds really relaxing too.

  5. yes very good at describing it. I really could picture your story in my head. I've been always wanting to see the grand canyon, probably in the future I'll travel down there and check out the beautiful sunrise!

  6. That was cool. I've also spent some time at the Grand Canyon and just reading your description evoked images of when I was there. Great job using descriptive words. It really helped me, as a reader, to feel what it was like there.
