Thursday, September 3, 2009

"You Know Why You Fall Down? So You Can Get Right Back Up"

This motto, I heard from Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist Gary Rossington, means that when you get knocked down by life's tough spots, the only thing you can do is get right back on your feet again and move forward. I've seen pressures and hard times, as well as friends passing on. What6 I've learned from all that is that, while it hurts, you just gotta keep looking forward. It does you know good to sit there on the ground and let things keep you down. No longer how long it takes to heal, you just gotta keep your head up and get back on your feet, no matter how bad it gets.
After my friend Thomas died in 2006 by drowning in a flood, it hurt me so bad but it taught me that life is short and to enjoy it while you can, and never to hold anything back. In that sense, I took a terrible situation and put at least a little bit of positivitey in there, which made it alot easier.


  1. well im reall sorry about your freind, but its good that you kept on moving, i like your philo..

  2. So sorry about your friend. I have lost a lot of family members over the years and I just have to keep thinking they are in a better place and that's good so I can move on. But it still hurts. I like this philosophy because it applies to the little things and big things.

  3. Justin, I am so very sorry for your loss. And you are 100% right about life being short and unexpected. It's unnerving how quickly things happen...good or bad, devastating or wonderful. I admire your strength and perspective. Never lose them! Great bumper sticker.
